Pete's Log: professor pete?

Entry #1304, (School)
(posted when I was 24 years old.)

It's like this: people do strange things in bathrooms. But that's not what I want to talk about.

There now remain less than 24 hours until I teach my first class. Scary! Yesterday there was a little party at the CSE main office so that people could meet the new grad students. Several professors asked me if I was ready to teach. The chair even gave me a little lecture. So now the pressure's on. Alright.

I have a new office. I get this office because I'm teaching. I share it with Rich, since he's teaching, too. It's nice. The idea is that I tell students only about that office, and I hold my office hours there, so that I can have peace and quiet in my regular office. I feel special, though. There are now two doors in Fitz with my name on them.

I am also being encouraged, by the office of the registrar, to stalk my students. I've got access to a list of the students online, which includes their ID pictures. So I can start memorizing their names before I even meet them. This is incredibly convenient. I'd love to have this kind of thing at parties. I'm so bad with names.

I'm finishing up all the little details that remain, such as making a course web page. I think I'm ready.