Pete's Log: Pete of Arabia

Entry #1505, (Travel)
(posted when I was 29 years old.)

So I'm back in Riyadh, this time only for a week. I actually wound up in the same hotel room as last time. My little Saudi home. With American TV.

This evening the project manager took me to dinner at a typical Saudi restaurant. We sat on the ground and leaned up against pillows. The food was decent, but I really enjoyed the atmosphere. And I had a yummy ginger tea. I also tried some camel meat. It did not taste like chicken.

The project itself makes me want to drink. This country won't let me, though.

I was sitting alone in an office yesterday, and a Saudi guy comes in and offers me a chocolate: "Take one. I have a new son. Nice to meet you." And he was off. It was a tasty chocolate.