Pete's Log: bw3s, stalking, and other random stuff

Entry #543, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

Made some decent progress on p4. I'm having fun building up a good network infrastructure. I think I'm gonna make this guy much more robust than it needs to be. After a while of work on that I decided to go sit out on the quad for a while, which was fun. After half an hour or so I saw Eric Blair walking across the quad, so I stalked him. He finally noticed me as I entered Fitz behind him. Then hung out in the undergrad lab a bit, talking to a variety of entertaining people. Heard more stories from the infamous senior bar night after finding out about getting into grad school. I don't think I'll ever quit hearing stories about that.

Went to BW3s with Brian, Arun, George, and Tony. Was entertaining. Several junior engineering types showed up shortly before we left. I'm really full. It'll be fun to see how long that lasts.

I have discovered something I would consider getting a tattoo of: the flemish lion. A tattoo's never been a priority or a desire, and I never really thought of anything I'd actually want tattoo'd on me, but I've realized the flemish lion dude is pretty badass. So it'd be nationalistic and badass. So if I ever find myself needing to get a tattoo for some reason, at least I now have a candidate for the artwork.

Donna Rozman seems to be doing well at Kansas State. A piece of hers is pictured in a Kansas State Collegian article.

Time now to go home and find something to do. Should probably continue work on p4.