Pete's Log: "jobs"

Entry #624, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

hrmmm... I guess I should consider myself lucky that ush isn't required to have a concept of a "current" and "previous" job, because I'm having difficulty figuring out how tcsh determines which is which, especially the "previous" job seems to be chosen kinda randomly. So I'm not gonna implement that stuff, because our bg, fg, and other such builtins are always gonna be called with an argument. woohoo.

I briefly considered implementing backticks in my parser. But then I realized that would be a bad idea. It would introduce dependence in my parser code on my execution code, and would thus make my parser code much less suited for distribution to other people. But it was fun to think about how I'd implement that.

My left wrist hurts. I want a direct mind->computer interface. Screw the keyboard idea.