Pete's Log: friday, sweet friday

Entry #861, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

14:00. Realize I could've probably gone to algorithms and made it back in time for UPS. Oh well.

"If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague."

I've failed to keep reggae week pure: I'm listening to Operation Ivy. But I think Op Ivy is true to the spirit with which reggae week began.

I slept really well last night. Between the gentle buzz of three Blue Moons and the reggae beats of Bob Marley, I was asleep by 12:30 or so. I'd set my alarm for 11 am, but woke up before at 10:30 or so. Haven't felt rested like this in a while.

UPS guy just arrived. If I'd been at algorithms, making it back in time would have been tough. So I guess I chose properly. Now time to grab a dew, a blanket, and have a quick hacking session. Looking at the code produced yesterday for problem d, it seems I broke my solution into the following steps (and stated those steps in comments):
  1. // read in the points
  2. // sort them by x value
  3. // compute distances between all the points
  4. // create graph of all possible paths
  5. // compute edge weights
  6. // compute shortest path
  7. // und endlich, das output.
I've filled in code for all but steps 5 and 6. 6 is easy. 5 will be made my bitch today. oh yeah. For I am a coding badass. Especially when I've slept.