Pete's Log: calories and freeciv

Entry #1030, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

I've been taking in a lot of calories of late. Thursday Jeff, Siek, Brian, and I ended up going to Fridays for dinner. Friday lunch at Steak and Ale with the cse department. More taco bell tonight. I can't say I mind it.

I also went by a party at Rebecca's thursday night. Saw George Coppinger, Tim Brick, John Schmiederer and that whole squad there, which was nice, since I dunno if I'd have seen them before graduation otherwise. After that, some people congregated at our place and we watched Saving Private Ryan. I regret agreeing to watch the movie, we didn't start the movie until midnight or so, and I was very tired, so I found myself getting annoyed at the movie for dragging on, and ended up not appreciating it nearly as much as I should have. I'm sure it's a movie I really would've liked under other circumstances. One thing that amazed me while watching the movie was just how desensitized I've become to violence in movies. I'm kind of frightened by that.

Tonight George and I had a marathon freeciv session. At 19:30 or so, we picked up taco bell, and then began our gaming. We played until sometime after 4. That's a good chunk of freeciv time. It was tons o' fun. As usual, we played cooperatively, against 5 computer opponents. We got much further into the game than we usually do, I think we were well into the 1800s before we decided to call it a night. Since it is a network based thing, there should be no problem continuing freeciv games next year ...

it's starting to get light out. I'm gonna be very unhappy with my body if it wakes up before 13:00 tomorrow.