Pete's Log: dorf-o-rama

Entry #1725, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 32 years old.)

Some day I will write an application using only class names generated by this page.

I am in Düsseldorf again. Got here on a 6:20 flight this morning. I did not like waking up that early. But I am here and actually managed a productive day at work.

Last Thursday the customer here invited me to come along to their Altweiber party. It was amusing. Almost everyone was in costume, but what I found more entertaining was that a lot of people seemed to have coordinated their costumes. I wondered if these were all people from one team or department, or just friends who had decided to coordinate.

Sorry for linking to German wikipedia above, but there is no English entry. It's basically part of the Carnival season, which is taken very seriously in this part of Germany. It is celebrated on the Thursday before Ash Wednesday and basically kicks off a long weekend of craziness.

Oh yeah: Sat in seat 23F this morning. The tally: 12 flights so far in 2011, 11 of which I sat in seat 23F. :)