Pete's Log: ND vs Duke

Entry #1853, (Sports and Athletics)
(posted when I was 42 years old.)

Had a virtual game watch with Randy and Dan. The first while was spent introducing babies to each other. Tony joined for a little while to say hello. It was fun.

ND won. It was a pretty surreal game to watch. I was expecting it to get called off, but it happened. The stadium wasn't full, but it also wasn't empty. Apparently somebody put together a seating chart based on which students interact with each other and based the seating on that, such that nobody should be exposed to anyone they're not exposed to in their day-to-day life. (None of this applies to the players on the field, obviously).

I'm not sure how to feel. 2020 is weird.

Jamie and I watched Jurassic Park afterwards. It was a fun escape.