Pete's Log: Entry 400! A Milestone not just in roundness

Entry #400, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff, Meta)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

After two or so weeks of downtime, Pete's Log is back again! I've been spending the time well, tho, working off and on to bring Pete's Log to a new level of Glory! With any luck, all the features necessary to consider the log functional again have been implemented. So, this message is sort of part of the debugging process....

Many things remain to do. HTML tidy or some such device needs to be added to the entry addition function. Also, I want to give users the option of having html tags stripped/replaced for their mailings. I'm considering using lynx to do that, since it can probably generate prettier-looking text than I could. All I would do is replace
with a newline and just drop everything else. lynx -dump would do a much better job. We'll see. I have most of the work done for user comments. I've found that there are sometimes amusing responses to log entries, and (assuming the commentators are willing to share with the world) i'd like those to be added to this site.

finally, some thanks are needed: Rich Murphy gave me a very useful sendmail tip that has been implemented in the log code, and i stole some style sheet ideas from perk. thanks, guys!