Pete's Log: The Crested Butte Libertarian

Entry #492, (Politics)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

My parents sent me a copy of Volume I, Number 1 of the Crested Butte Libertarian. It's quite amusing, it makes fun of the stupid socialist politics that prevail in CB. At one point it analyzes the Crested Butte Town Ordinances definition of refuse, which is "Refuse is all putrescible and nonputrescible wastes[sic], ..." and so one of the comments is "The use of 'putrescible and nonputrescible' adds nothing to the definition, but surely opens the way for consideration of 'copacetic and noncopacetic, ...,' as well as for total disrespect for the Law-as-an-Ass." Even better is when the guy uses the term "bureaucRATS" which is funny because the republicans got in trouble for 'sublimnable' messages. So anyway, I'm amused. And happy to see that there's some libertarian types in CB...