Pete's Log: mmmm... stir fry...

Entry #547, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

So a recent hit to my webpage was referred from a google search for '"latex"+"peter william"' ... so I did that google search, just curious as to what else would show up. Nothing of interest, but my page is the first result that comes up, and, the part that I found most odd, was that the category google matched all this against was "Arts > Animation > Voice Actors > Cast Lists > Cartoons > Thundercats" .... hmmm... who knows...

232 ... *sigh* ... so things to deal with in grading homeworks 6 and 7: changes in file naming conventions. writing a new main to test their classes. The good news is that if I properly rewrite the grading script, I may be able to make life easier for the undergrad graders. This is gonna require a little bit of thought. Not much, but some.

Oh man, major attitude adjustment, and just barely in time, too. Thank God for that run, I think it saved me. Stupid chemical imbalances. Stupid genetics. Yay endorphines, yay aquabats, yay against all authority! With any luck this'll mean fewer of these self-indulgent, whiny log entries I've had of late. Although I did think that the incoherent one from this morning was quite amusing, especially reading it a few hours later when I was more awake. Not like I care if anyone dislikes whiny self-indulgent log entries... it's my freaking log, you fools all chose to subscribe, I never asked you to. I just don't wanna look back and see myself as some whiny self-indulgent fool. =)

Oh man, I finally fixed a really stupid bug in my 232 grading script. If I'd have discovered this earlier, I could have probably saved several hours of manual work over the course of the semester.

It seems that when it comes to ergonomics at home, I have a choice between being good to my wrists and being good to my back. I'm leaning towards favoring my wrists these days. I'm really scared about what kinda shape I'll be in at 30, between the abuse I do to myself (especially my knees) and the abuse that typing does to me, something's gonna go wrong somewhere...

Mmmmm.... stir fry... so good. Well, ok, not quite as good as the last time (I didn't get the meat tender enough, I don't think) but still pretty good. This time we also threw mushrooms into the mix. I made way too much, but luckily Anne stopped by and saved the day by helping us eat the ridiculous amount of food I made. So it's all good. Now I think is the time to play more loud music and get on with returning the kitchen to an acceptable state, it's gotten pretty bad.