Pete's Log: it makes me sad

Entry #686, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

so I compiled pine on realloc. And I was immediately happy with the fact that using imap on wizard gave me much less latency than logging into wizard over a modem and running pine there. Good stuff that. But something is configured wrong on wizard, so I can't access any folders other than my inbox. I can create new folders and they'll show up in my afs space, but pine doesn't see them. hmmmm... so much for that idea. Maybe I'll bug Curt, see if he can fix that... and I was so excited to use imap, and now I can't, at least not immediately.

And then I just ripped my athletic shorts. Damnit. I urgently need to buy another pair now (or more, for redundancy) since these shorts get used all the time. They're mission critical.

and to top that all off, I just killed a spider. poor beast. Stupid humans.

Oh well, having now wasted plenty of time with this imap stuff, it's time to move on to other things.