Pete's Log: sleep? or food?

Entry #692, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

Hmmm... so they ran into some kinda difficulties deploying one of the solar sail thingies on the ISS. I want them to get it finished so I can go outside and see the space station. It just strikes me as so incredibly cool that I can gaze into the heavens and see a manmade object among the stars. Yay mankind.

I'm considering a second attempt at falling asleep. I'm also considering more food. food is good. comida es bueno. me gusta comer. si!

I think my hands are getting smaller. Maybe it's the cold weather, or maybe it's some evil genetic mutation, but my order of the engineer ring is definitely not fitting as well as it used to. It constantly feels like it's going to slip off.