Pete's Log: pardon me, it seems you've swallowed my socks

Entry #877, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

So today I woke up at two or so and my alarm clock was blinking. Good thing I'd not set it... I love power outages. But not nearly as much as esgeroth does, I'm sure. Headed to fitz and got 1.5 compilers midterm questions written, along with completing some other tasks. Then returned home to have food and watch the fox sunday lineup. Simpsons was quite amusing. Then back to fitz (I lead a very hectic lifestyle...) where I don't know what I did for a while, then I went to the O'Neill mass with Cdawg and George. So I've improved my mass attendance this semester over last semester, I've gone at least once. Woo! But I've dreadlocks now, so I'm already closer to God. Returned to CP, called home, talked to the ol' family. Found out that Susan Hoffman was killed in an avalanche today, which is sad to hear. It's been snowing a lot back home, so there've been quite a few avalanches recently. She was a teacher at the CB elementary school and taught both Annie and Diana when they were in fifth grade. She was also involved with RMBL and river watch whenever I participated in that. So I'll have to keep her and the first grade class she was teaching this year in my prayers. Must be awful hard for her class. How on earth do you inform a bunch of firstgraders that their teacher died?

Random trivia I've discovered today: CB was recently named the #1 most romantic ski resort in the US. So I really must've been doing something wrong whenever I've been skiing there. And Branden pointed out that runs apache/php4 on a linux server. Excellent.

So now I've got me some coffee, I think it's time do some comp arch. The homework's due tuesday, and should be easy, but will likely take rather a while, since it's a bunch of busy work. But thanks to Dr Chen I've no class tomorrow, which means I intend to stay up long enough to get at least most of this out of my way.