Pete's Log: Mid May Musings

Entry #2298, (Games, Life in General, Parenthood)
(posted when I was 44 years old.)

Our robin has us well trained. Despite our intentions, we're now mostly using the basement door to access the backyard. But it's fun to watch. The female mostly sticks to the nest, unless we disturb her or she needs a snack. The male spends much of his time in or under our pine tree, on guard for threats. On occasion, we've witnessed the female decide the male needs support and dive bomb someone from the nest. I appreciate their teamwork.

We've laid down some grass seed in a few bare patches in our backyard and the chickens seem to think the grass seed is quite delicious. So their free range time lately has required more active supervision on our part to try to give the grass a chance.

Hasbro appears lately to be hostile to the communities of various Wizards of the Coast brands, including Magic: The Gathering. Recently I heard of Flesh and Blood, a more independent trading card game that claims to capture much of the early community spirit of Magic. So Jamie and I picked up a couple blitz decks recently. We've watched a few videos on how to play and it seems fun, but we'll need some time to get properly into it.

JB has told us on numerous occasions over the past month that for Halloween this year she wants to be Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas. I've always been interested in the idea of making costumes instead of buying them, but Sally in particular feels like she's meant to be hand-sewn. Since I figure I'll need a little time for practice, Jamie and I purchased some fabric and patterns today. We tried to support a local store that advertised on their website that they sell patterns, but when we walked in and I asked about patterns, the lady who had asked us if she can help us said in a huff "we're a quilting store" so instead we bought what we needed at JOANN Fabrics.

We also stopped by a fancy art supply store and picked up some fun supplies there. Exciting times were had.