Pete's Log: Lupine and Robins

Entry #2308, (Life in General, Nature, Random Crap)
(posted when I was 44 years old.)

Annie returned to Colorado today, but we had a good time while she was here.

Jamie and I went to Costco for lunch today. There must have been some sort of special on lupine, because it felt like almost every cart coming out of the store had two or more lupines in it. We checked out the lupine selection, but there were only a handful of them left and they didn't really speak to us. So we bought a blueberry bush instead.

Our robin family seems to be doing well. There seem to be three babies that are being fed. I should make Jamie get out her fancy zoom lens to get better pictures.

Robin and a baby in their nestTwo robin babies peaking out of the nest

Despite our intention of continuing to use the back door, we've mostly been using the basement door to avoid bothering them too much. But today JB was really enjoying watching the robin babies get fed, so it felt real wholesome to have them here.