Pete's Log: Thanks Tacklife T8

Entry #2400, (Random Crap)
(posted when I was 45 years old.)

Writing reviews is weird because I have no profit motive and I have no interest in playing any SEO games, so it's unlikely my review will ever be seen. But like I want to praise products that work well and put honest reviews out into the world. Like the Ecolink sensor on our driveway gate that I reviewed a year and a half ago, which is still out there, doing its thing, getting ready to face its fourth Illinois winter.

Writing reviews is even weirder when the company who made the product doesn't seem to have a website and there appear to be a variety of clones under different brand names. Commerce is weird these days. But enough of that.

Two and a half years ago, we set off on an epic road trip, and before we went, Jamie decided we should have something in the car in case the battery dies. So she found the Tacklife T8, and we charged it up and put it in the car. Since then, we've checked the battery status on it every so often, but it's always reported 100%. So we just let it live in the back of the car, mostly unthought of.

Today, Jamie was out and about and the car wouldn't start for her. So she hooked the Tacklife T8 up to the battery and the car started right up.

So anyway, maybe our expectations are lower than they should be, but we're quite pleased this thing was able to save the day when it needed to after 1000ish days in the back-of-the-car environment.

Anyway, guess we better plug it in and also it's probably time for a new car battery.