Pete's Log: digital camera fun!

Entry #1027, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

Let's see. It's thursday. Life's been interesting of late.

Tuesday I woke up at like 7 am. All on my own. I don't know why. So after Brian woke up, we went to Best Buy and looked at the digital cameras there again, then Circuit City to look at their selection. Then we did a little more web research, and then I headed to Best Buy to buy me a camera. They didn't have the one I wanted in stock. So Circuit City did, so I bought it there. Woo, I now own a digital camera. It's a Sony DSC-P1, 3X optical zoom, 6X digital zoom, 3.3 megapixels. It can take pictures in resolutions ranging from 640x480 to 2048x1536. It can store images in JPG, TIFF, and (I think) GIF format. It can also take movie clips up to 15 seconds long and store those in MPEG format (including sound!). It has a whole bunch of other fun features, but the main thing is it takes high quality pictures.

Later that same day, Brian went and bought himself the same camera. Copycat.

Then I headed to campus and hung out there a while, before George and I went off to conquer Taco Bell. We ordered a Grande Meal with Nachos Bell Grande (that's two Grandes!) and finished it up between the two of us. That's five items each, plus half an order of nachos each. Never have I been as full as I was then. Then we watched tv, including an episode of Dark Angel in which Max was in heat. What a great concept.

Later that night Brian and I ran into Arun at Meijer, and like a duck in its imprinting stage or something, Arun followed us home.

The next day (a.k.a. Wednesday) began way too early. I woke up at 9:30 or so in order to help Arun move stuff. I spent several hours lifting and moving heavy things. There's now more furniture in the apartment. So after that I barely made it to a meeting with Dr Freeh in which we began discussing plans for the summer.

Then ran into Squyres, who's in town, and ended up going to the outback steakhouse with him and a bunch of other people, mainly LSC types. Good food. Then Jeff, Jeremy Siek, Arun, Brian and I ended up at our apartment, with a bunch of beer. Very entertaining. I talked briefly to Siek about math 601 and got some encouraging information from him, so it looks like we're definitely 'GO' on that one for next semester.

I created a picture page on my webpage for storing all the great pics I take with the new camera: It features evidence of George and I's taco bell accomplishment, proof of just how much junk Mamie is storing in my apartment, and lots of other fun stuff. Anyway, I think that's it for now.

oh yeah, I got invited to a free lunch courtesy the cse department tomorrow. It's some "special graduate student recognition" thing ... looks like I was one of five students invited. Should be interesting ...