Pete's Log: mmm... cookies..

Entry #552, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

Oh man. Here's a new way of confusing the grader: naming your Makefile Makefile.txt and instead of turning in .cc and .h files turning in .cc.~1~ and .h.~1~ files.

I'm feeling much more tired than I should. I got at least seven hours of sleep last night. But then again, I didn't feel tired until after numerical, so I'm gonna blame it on that class.

The nice thing about grading is it's an easy thing to do when focus is lacking. And since my script rocks, the manual part of grading is proving extraordinarily easy. Quote from Branden's message informing me he'd finished his portion of hw6: "Done. 01:39 - 00:50 = 49 minutes. Thank you SO much for your script!!!!!!!!"

details on the whole indiana pi fiasco ... the story was actually a bit more complex than I'd always heard, but definitely scary.

Dr. Freeh gave Brian and I cookies today, in exchange for us lending him the air force tape. We'd originally suggested he give us extra credit, but cookies are probably better, since I don't think we actually need the extra credit. Of course, it'd be even better if I actually felt like eating them, my stomach's still being kinda whiny.