Pete's Log: semantics and beyond

Entry #804, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

memory terminology just struck me as interesting or ponderable. C++ we delete data structures. in C we free() memory. An insignificant difference in terminology, but the C terminology strikes me as friendlier. In C++ the data is destroyed when we're done with it, in C it is simply freed, it returns back to the higher plane where data normally lives. heheheheh. Three cups of coffee in rapid succession will lead to this kinda thinking.

So how did I find myself pondering memory terminology? Because I finally added destructors (evil destroyers of data, I should say) to all the IR classes.

anyone who has gnu make in their path before sun's make on the cluster sparcs should be shot. Repeatedly.

oh my god. I just ran bcheck -all on the ice9 code. It was scary, man. Scary. Really frightening. I've fixed the leaks and such that can be blamed on me. So I'm gonna run away for the time being. Play with some gnome code for a little while. In the happy world of C code. Where all the .c and .h files in `pwd` were written by me and me alone.

hyperactivity is fun. and for various reasons I now listen to music in my room with headphones when I'm hacking or such. Which means if I leave the room, I need to stop the music so it doesn't play on without me. Well, the reasonable thing would be to hit pause. I hit stop cuz I'm not reasonable. Sooo, I've been only making it about three or four songs at max into the CD before I stop it to do something. And I keep starting it from the beginning when I return to the code. The CD? "Pocket Full of Kryptonite" by the Spin Doctors. Aw yeah. I wonder if I'll ever make it thru the entire cd before the night is over...

Enough with this log entry... time to go make another pot of coffee. buahahahaha... hahaha! Ahhhh hahahahahahahahaha!!!!