Pete's Log: break is upon us

Entry #916, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

So finished grading the first compiler question last night, then um. This morning, um. What the hell have I been up to? There was algorithms, Dr Chen was a badass. Began discussing dynamic programming, a subject which I understand very well. We also went over the midterm. It was encouraging, I got answers that corresponded well enough to his, so I'm happy... well, we'll have to see how I score...

drove Mamie around some, she needed to do some pre-break shopping. Discovered she's picked up some neurotic habits. After she got her stuff I decided to go by the mall and do some last-minute searching for a new CD for the trip south. Didn't find what I was initially looking for (wanted to buy a Trent Summar cd, just to be different) so I decided to check if they had the Powerpuff Girls soundtrack. They did. So I bought it. It features tracks by Devo and Shonen Knife, among others. Pretty fun so far, need to listen to it some more, though...

Went to see "Get Over It" the new Kirsten Dunst flick with a group of people. Very entertaining movie. Also featured some hottie chicks and some fire and explosions... what else can you ask of a movie?

Now I'm doing laundry and hoping to get some sleep before too long... then off to Mississippi in the morning.