Pete's Web History Crested Butte Academy (unofficial - from 1995) Please read the disclaimer

A day in the Life of boarding student Natalie Angell

Hi! I am Natalie Angell. I am fifteen years old. I am an anxious, stressed, over achieving five foot two young woman. I wake up at 5:45 every morning, even though I do not need to get up until 6:00. Who knows? I immediatly fall back asleep only to be reawakened 15 minutes later by Brian, our esteemed athletic director that has earned the privelege of being a human alarm clock at this ungodly hour. I spring out of bed ready to tackle the day ahead. Unfortunately my roomates are not quite as motivated and perky as myself and need my constant prodding to change their ways. I rush outside into the cool morning air. It is work out time!! I am one of those people who is able to start running at brisk pace. I usually out run our imported Slovakian National Ski Team member. Who knows? Once at the gym, we either participate in weightlifting or karate. I prefer karate because it increases my agility and it will be helpful in my future dealings in the big wide world. We hurry back to school to eat breakfast. Breakfast can vary from eggs, bacon, and fresh biscuits to cold cereal. It really depends on the moods of the cooks. Who knows? After breakfast, I have do my chores. My chore is pots and pans, so cold cereal days are fine by me. My first class, español, starts at 8:00 am. Then off to writing workshop I go!! The class is kind of fun, but those silly boys can be disruptive. I just don't understand what is wrong with them. After that I head to English Literature. We are reading plays. I always get the biggest parts because I have such a good reading voice. I only wish that we could have read more Shakespeare, but not everybody understood it so we had to move on. After English, we head off to lunch. I like to get there early so I get a good seat near some of my teachers. After lunch, it is announcement time!!! I make a point of making sure that everyone is quiet. There is nothing more annoying than having to watch other people be noisy. After lunch, I happily wipe down all the tables and contemplate my potential ski racing career. I usually have some time to start on my homework for the night. Last period is history. It is so interesting to learn about our founding fathers. I often wonder what our founding mothers were doing for all that time.
School ends at 2:30 pm and we start afternoon activities. I am involved in the mountain biking program and the dryland ski training. I have been trying to reach my physical fitness peak for the last few years. It is a never ending process.
My favorite time of the day is dinner, a family time. All the boarding students, the headmaster, and a few straggling teachers all get together to enjoy some home cooked delicacies. More cleanup, more homework, and then off to bed by 10:00 pm. If I have the time, I write my parents a letter so they won't worry about my well being. As I drift off into blissful sleep, I thank my lucky stars that I can attend a school as wonderful as Crested Butte Academy. BBBBUUUUZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no, it is my alarm clock again!!!

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This story was written by Sarah Block while Natatlie Angell was not present.
Therefore, the information given in this story might not be completely accurate...