Pete's Log: For me? Aw, thanks!

Entry #1315, (School)
(posted when I was 24 years old.)

Teaching rocks. Here's another reason why: I've now received two free books in addition to several free copies of the book I'm actually using for the class. I'm using Rosen's Discrete book, fourth edition. I got a free copy of the fifth edition a few weeks ago, and today I got a free copy of an Addison Wesley Discrete Math book. AW actually sent it addressed to me. It said it was compliments of my AW representative. I didn't even know I had an AW rep. I knew instructors could get free books if they asked for them. But I've not even had to ask! Here's hoping for more free books to come!

I think there is no longer any doubt in my mind. I gotta teach for a living. Free books just make the whole deal too good.