Pete's Log: log fixes

Entry #1367, (Meta)
(posted when I was 26 years old.)

I know my journalling has dropped off during the past few years, but I didn't realize the degree to which it had. Today I added to my statistics page and determined that I wrote 13 entries in 2003 and 11 entries in 2004. For comparison, I wrote 585 entries in 2000. 74% of the 1366 entries in my log were written in 2000 and 2001. So that's kind of a bummer. My record of the past few years is going to be quite incomplete.

Pete's Log had its six year anniversary in december. Which seems incredibly hard to believe. But I feel motivated now to make 2005 a fabulous year in terms of journalling. Maybe not on the level of 2000 or 2001, but hopefully at least on the level of 1999 or 2002. And I'm already looking to do better than 2003 or 2004 - this is entry number 7 for 2005, and it's only been 22 days so far.

Also, I fixed the links to friends' journals on the front page. Of the 11 links, only two were still good. So I fixed those that I could, and moved the remainder to a new memorial section, hoping to encourage those ex-bloggers to pick up the habit again. I also moved a couple of links that were still good to that memorial section, because the most recent entries of those journals were quite old. So if you're in the memorial section, consider this some not-so-subtle pressure.