Pete's Log: I'm in Seoul

Entry #1551, (Travel)
(posted when I was 29 years old.)

So I arrived this morning in Seoul. When I left Munich, it was cold and foggy, with frost on the ground. When I arrived in Seoul, it was cold and foggy, with frost on the ground.

Right now I'm killing time, waiting for Mamie to get here. I checked into the hotel and took a short nap, then decided to get lost.

Well, I didn't explicitly aim to get lost, I just started wandering without too much care of where I wound up. Primarily, I wanted to find an internet cafe. Which eventually I did.

The Windows on this machine is all in Korean, which is a fun challenge. Especially because I keep accidentally changing my input locale to Korean. Usually alt-shift gets me back into English, but occasionally I have to abandon entire windows and start over again. Luckily the input locale seems to default to English when I first open a window.

So yeah... I've found myself a map of my surroundings online and I think I know how to get back to the hotel.

I also noticed a missing feature in my time zone implementation: I can't add a new timezone through the web interface, so for now this entry is going to think it's in central European time. Just add eight hours to get my local time. Until I fix this later (if I remember to).