Pete's Log: Taking a Chicken to the Vet

Entry #2178, (Chickens)
(posted when I was 44 years old.)

I took Elsa to the vet today. It was less traumatizing than I expected. I think Anna and Olaf made more of a ruckus about Elsa being put in a carrier than Elsa did.

The "exotic" pet vet we found is a 20 minute drive West of us and Elsa was quiet for most of the drive. Once it was time for our appointment, I took her out of the carrier and put her on the scale and she just took that all in stride. (She weighs just over 5 lbs.)

We then waited for the doctor for a bit. Elsa was patient, but did bless the examining table with a couple extra stool samples.

Elsa standing on a towl on the examining table at the vet office

The vet was very nice and told me Elsa looked and felt healthy. They took stool samples and blood to run tests. I was informed that she was a well behaved chicken and all the staff in back liked her. While drawing blood they did find that her blood pressure seems a little low.

Anyway, now we wait for results. But it's nice to know she looks and acts and feels healthy. And that she's well-behaved. And it also feels good to have found a vet that deals with chickens.