Pete's Log: Timezone enhancements

Entry #2180, (Meta)
(posted when I was 44 years old.)

Will I ever run out of timezone enhancements to work on? Only time will tell!

I updated some more of the statistics to factor in the time zone of the entry. I didn't expect the year graph to change, but it turns out I wrote an entry at the end of 2019 when it was already 2020 in UTC. So 2020's entry count dropped from 45 to 44 and 2019's count increased from 13 to 14. The counts for all other years remain unchanged. Thrilling stuff.

For the months heat map, the difference is larger: 36 months saw their entry totals change.

Screenshot of the heat map of entries by monthScreenshot of the heat map of entries by month

I also updated the streak statistics to factor in the time zone, which bumped me from being on an 11 day streak to being on a 13 day streak. I previously wasn't getting credit for January 1, since my entry was posted when it was already January 2 in UTC.