Pete's Log: HackerBox 0087

Entry #2188, (Smokepacking)
(posted when I was 44 years old.)

HackerBox 0087 came in the mail today. I had paused my subscription some time ago, but missed it enough that I re-enabled it. This is the first one to arrive since then.

This one is centered around a Raspberry Pi Pico W and is weather-themed. It includes a sensor for humidity, barometric pressure, and ambient temperature, but the PCB includes additional pads to attach a wind/rain gauge, and I just so happen to have a compatible gauge laying around. I've had it two or so years now, just waiting for time to do something with it. I probably still won't have the time anytime soon, but it's exciting to have a board I can connect the gauge to.

The biggest things to figure out remain:

  • Weatherproof housing for the whole thing
  • Where to install it
  • How to power it

A fun distraction if nothing else.