Pete's Log: Then There Were Two

Entry #2196, (Fediverse)
(posted when I was 44 years old.)

My single-user Mastodon instance is now a single-family Mastodon instance. Jamie wasn’t really feeling her previous Mastodon instance, so I proposed an experiment: we’d create an account on Federoth for her and I would spend the first week seeding it for her.

It’s been a fun experiment so far. I’m enjoying actively seeking out accounts that I think will create the right vibe for Jamie. And it’s coming together nicely. I’ve also followed a handful of hashtags from her account (e.g. #art and #books) but since I’m the only other user on the instance, those hashtag follows will only pick up posts made (or boosted) by people I follow.

I gave Jamie a preview and she described her new timeline as “relaxing” which feels like a win. And I have the rest of the week to fine tune it before I hand the reins over to her.