Pete's Log: Working From Somewhere

Entry #2213, (Work)
(posted when I was 44 years old.)

Today I worked in the office, which was a fun diversion as usual. We had a retirement party for someone in IT who's been at the firm for more than 42 years. I was two when she started working there. Several people at the party hadn't been born yet. There was reminiscing about all sorts of old systems.

One thing that's coming down the pipeline is that anyone working in the office less than eight days a month will be switching to a shared office model. So I packed up the last bits of my belongings that hadn't made it home already. Since I'm nowhere near eight days a month in the office.

I guess the biggest inconvenience might be that I will now need to bring my work shoes to and from work with me instead of just leaving them there. Although maybe I'll be able to find somewhere to stash them even without having a dedicated office of my own.