Pete's Log: Return to the Light

Entry #2478, (Chickens)
(posted when I was 45 years old.)

The chickens got to return outside today after nearly two weeks in the garage.

Olaf and Elsa immediately set to dust bathing.

Elsa and Olaf taking a dust bath under the pine tree

They were also intent on keeping an eye on me as I freshened up their coop back in its outdoor location.

A chicken looks through the coop door as I clean and freshen up their coop

The weather is still grey and foggy and though I was willing to let them have more freeranging time, they all made their way back into the run on their own.

Olaf and Anna hanging out on the perch while Elsa looks on from the ground which is covered in fresh straw

They seem pleased to be back in the fresh air again.