Pete's Log: PSR-7 Completeness

Entry #2493, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff, Meta)
(posted when I was 45 years old.)

I think my implementation of PSR-7 is now complete. Previously I had it working for all the code paths that applied to me, but I think I have now implemented the entire spec. Along with 100% test coverage. A productive use of my Saturday.

Stats (code coverage is for the full project, not just the PSR-7 component):

OK, but incomplete, skipped, or risky tests! Tests: 707, Assertions: 2037, Skipped: 1. Code Coverage Report: 2024-03-10 02:25:26 Summary: Classes: 63.22% (55/87) Methods: 69.96% (340/486) Lines: 50.73% (1071/2111)

$ siege -r 100 -f esgerdev.txt -c 25 -i --no-parser Transactions: 2500 hits Availability: 100.00 % Elapsed time: 3.24 secs Data transferred: 4.57 MB Response time: 0.03 secs Transaction rate: 771.60 trans/sec Throughput: 1.41 MB/sec Concurrency: 24.62 Successful transactions: 1718 Failed transactions: 0 Longest transaction: 0.06 Shortest transaction: 0.01 $ siege -r 100 -f esgerdev.txt -c 25 -i Transactions: 18295 hits Availability: 100.00 % Elapsed time: 15.56 secs Data transferred: 16.68 MB Response time: 0.02 secs Transaction rate: 1175.77 trans/sec Throughput: 1.07 MB/sec Concurrency: 23.64 Successful transactions: 17531 Failed transactions: 0 Longest transaction: 0.06 Shortest transaction: 0.00