Pete's Log: Recent Reading

Entry #2509, (Books, Writing, n such)
(posted when I was 45 years old.)

  • Finder by Suzanne Palmer
    Jamie described this as MacGyver in space. I think she is correct. Sometimes I find myself worrying I've lost my ability to suspend disbelief. But then a story like this comes along and I realize I have no problem suspending disbelief if the story is good enough. Entertaining space shenanigans.
  • Starter Villain by John Scalzi
    I went into this book knowing three things:
    • the title
    • it had a picture of a cat in a suit on the cover
    • I like John Scalzi
    I'm glad I didn't know more. It started off fine and interesting, but then I wrote myself a note "page 54 is where it gets awesome." And I was tremendously entertained the rest of the way through. It's a silly book.
  • Radicalized by Cory Doctorow
    This is a collection of four dystopian stories of the near future. They all feel relevant and they are all depressing. I think Cory Doctorow has a good feel for what's wrong these days. But each story did have a hint of hope in it. I particularly liked the first story (Unauthorized Bread) and the last story (The Masque of the Red Death). Not a light read for when you just want to be entertained.