Pete's Log: Log Entry 286

Entry #286, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff)
(posted when I was 21 years old.)

i hate my insomnia. i think that it's been worse than average this semester, and it's been one of the main productivity killers. anyway, i'll quit whining. i've come up with what i think is a cooler method of doing the whole ram-tm thing. i'm hoping to spend tomorrow coding up a tm-to-turing coder. that way i can compile ice9 programs into tm, and then convert those into turing machine code. i think if i feel a need for a break from that, i might code up a little thing to convert a k-tape turing machine to a single-tape turing machine. i just read a fun article on signals in linux. apparently the signal stuff in the linux kernel has been benchmarked to be the fastest among the leading unixes. that's kinda cool. i really need to learn an assembly language so that i can start poking around in the deepest depths of linux.