Pete's Log: the reform party saga

Entry #437, (Politics)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

wow. The FEC has apparently decided that Pat Buchanan is the Reform Party nominee and are giving him the money, 12.6 million dollars. Does this mean the end of the reform party? Probably not. I doubt tho, that they're gonna find themselves elligible for the money next time around. I think we may also see a new party start. Possible names? "The Reformed Reform Party" ... "The New Reform Party" ... "The Real Reform Party" ... who knows... Of course, there's gonna be appeals. I think the only real important result of this is how it will affect the two main candidates. With 12 million dollars, Buchanan could do some damage to Bush.

In other news, the two main candidates are being silly. The recent "Rats" ad is kinda funny, but it also amuses me how strongly the democrats are reacting.