Pete's Log: blah

Entry #503, (School)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

Turned in numerical today. Woohoo. What was initially supposed to be a short lecture ended up going almost 15 minutes over time. But the good news is I understand cubic splines now. Stupid boundary conditions were confusing me earlier. So my only remaining worry for the midterm on friday is DFT's and FFt's... maybe I'll bug some of my smokepacking friends...

I have to meet with some OIT and GSU types at 12:30 about the gsu webpage. My plan: tell them that their stupid computer broke and that I was unaware that I'd need to put as much time into it as I've had to, since I had to rebuild the stupid thing. Then maybe I'll kick them. Luckily I have an excuse to leave after ten minutes: OS midterm at 12:50. Then I think I want to waste away the afternoon, but who knows. I think I'm gonna try to go running at fiveish. Then maybe senior bar. Who knows. Only time will tell.