Pete's Log: Das Boot!

Entry #570, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

I have got to be the stupidest person alive. I am doing exactly what I knew I shouldn't.

Watched a lot of primetime tv this evening. An interesting experience. Mainly fairly amusing. Then went to senior bar at 11. Hung out there with Anne, Annie, and several of their friends. Fun stuff. Then went to Anne's place where Anne made me some stir fry. We watched a little bit of Office Space, which is a fun movie.

Now I'm at home being stupid. Das Boot arrived today. I knew as I was leaving Anne's that I'd be in trouble if I opened the box. I opened the box. I'm now watching the movie. With any luck I'll turn it off before too long. I really should go to sleep. I need more regular exposure to German, it doesn't quite sound like a natural language to me anymore, it sounds kinda like a foreign language, which is weird. I still understand it fine, but it sounds foreign. What's happening to me? It's really good, though, to watch German movies instead of American movies with German lines, since as a German movie, it actually uses German colloquialisms, which I just don't hear at all anymore. Now I need to find three hours sometime soon to actually watch this movie for real. Since I hope I don't spend three hours watching it tonight. I love the movie tho. Such choice quotes. So dark, so ugly, so real. And the music is amazing too.