Pete's Log: chevy prizm

Entry #680, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

So I've started looking at cars that consumer reports recommends. One of those is the Chevy Prizm. It's apparently made at the same factory as the toyota corolla and is pretty similar. It gets really good reliability ratings (which is key for me) and has decent safety ratings and comfort ratings.

And so I called home to see what the word on prizm's was from the chevy dealer there. And apparently Fr. Jim, priest extraordinaire of Queen of all Saints in CB, as well as of the church's in Gunnison and Lake City, had one for a while, put 160K miles on it, and it still ran great, but he bought a new Prizm. So if it's good enough for Fr. Jim, how can it not be good enough for me?