Pete's Log: woo woo?

Entry #779, (School)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

Today's been one of those busy unproductive days. I got nothing done, but at the same time I got a lot done. Had various meetings about compilers, which is good, I suppose. Went to a cse grad student whine session. Basically there's a group of grad students who are trying to get the department to improve things in various ways. Main complaints were lack of pay, lack of recruiting, lack of courses, lack of faculty, and lack of communication. A good thing to see happening, but I dunno if many changes will happen quick. The department is being very slow as far as making changes, it seems to me, which is bad. It seems there were various other topics I had to discuss, but this department business has me all a-fluster. I doubt that's a word, but eetz all gooood.