Pete's Log: it's badass time

Entry #879, (School)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

Woke up sometime after noon today. (oh, and my solution for problem e, the brute force approach, worked. cuz I rock). Headed to campus and managed to be relatively unproductive for most of the afternoon, got a little bit of comp arch done. Then loitered, then went home for dinner. Returned to campus to have a suspicion confirmed: I've got a graphics project due tomorrow. Oh yeah. So I've quit pine, put in Queen II and entered badass mode. The objectives:
  • Finish comp arch due at 11:00 tomorrow
  • Finish graphics due at 15:30 tomorrow
  • Finish up compiler questions for 10:00 meeting with Dr Freeh tomorrow
  • No matter what, watch Dr Strangelove at movie night tonight

I can do it, for I am Pete. Which reminds me, apparently in compilers today, Dr Freeh was quite complimentary of me. yay, ego boost! hahahaha!