Pete's Log: yawn

Entry #980, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

I'm kinda tired. I'm gonna go to sleep...

said goodbye to the family this morning. It's been nice having them here, but now I'll hopefully have more time to work on all the stuff I should be working on. Then we had TCEs in algorithms today. I wrote "Dr Chen is my hero" on mine. Then I spent most of the afternoon trying to figure out the networking on some of the machines in the ssr's cluster. That was a pain. But it seems functional now, so hopefully I can begin doing the work on those machines I'm supposed to be doing. Then I slacked off for a while: went to Rob's place and played some basketball with Paul and Rob (and Max!) and had some beer and some wet burritos and watched lone gunmen. Then I returned home and spent the rest of the night working on graphics. Made some good progress. Still have some issues that need working out. But that'll probably go better after I've gotten some sleep...