Pete's Log: technological craftsmanship

Entry #1058, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

My CDNOW wish list has grown significantly in the past week or so. Two reasons are apparent: I've been discovering new music through fat free radio, and I realized I can save DVDs to the wish list. I only hope CDNOW stays in business long enough for me to find a job that pays well enough for me to be able to buy all the things on my wishlist. Or maybe I should isolate myself from the outside world so I quit discovering new music.

I think over the past year there's been an exponential growth in the number of dreams I remember. Through the end of my undergraduate career, I rarely remembered dreams, maybe once a year at most. But it's been picking up, during the school year it gradually increased to about once a month, and over the course of the summer it's slowly been approaching the point where I remember a dream almost every night. It kinda creeps me out, I'm unaccustomed to it, and many of the dreams of recent have been of the variety where it takes me a while to realize it was a dream after I wake up.

I've had several meetings with Dr Brockman over the past week. I'm quite excited about this pim runtime stuff I'm getting into. I feel like I've been given this huge block of clay and been told "go have fun" ... basically, at one end I have an ISA I'm coding for which is not yet strictly defined (I can request changes in the ISA) and I have a vague API on the other end of how the system will communicate with a PIM node, but again, I can influence the design of this API. This is most excellent. It's also looking like I've found my thesis material. I'm cautiously optimistic about that last statement.

Sunday I finally dragged my bike home; it's witnessed a prolonged stay on campus. Today I went and bought a new inner tube. Hopefully I'll be biking again soon. I've polluted enough this summer already.