Pete's Log: the last log entry of my 20s

Entry #1585, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 29 years old.)

I wrote my first log entry 3522 days ago, about four months into my twenties. Now that decade is coming to an end.

It's ending on the sad news that Janis died yesterday. The news still hasn't really hit me yet. When Penny died, it hit me instantly, since I'd been expecting it. But I'm still unable to believe Janis is dead. :( She was an awesome doggy and a great little friend.

Life's generally been odd lately. I'm having a bit of a crisis about turning thirty. Not because it's thirty, but because I've made little to no progress on many of the goals I set myself in the past year. In part this is because my life has sort of been on hold lately. Since March, I've spent the majority of my time living in hotel rooms. I've definitely put on weight because of this, and I'm not keeping up with various aspects of my personal life as I'd like to.

Naturally, if I tried hard, I could stay in shape despite living in hotel rooms, as well as keep on top of all the other things I've neglected. It'd simply be easier if I was at home more.

Luckily, I think things are improving. And I am in the middle of a week that I get to spend in Munich. The weather's been mostly cold and rainy so far, but it's looking to improve by the weekend. And I've done a bit to increase my geekiness factor of recent, which has been very neglected.

All you need to know is that in the past couple days, I've gotten my Nintendo DS to do two very nifty things:

  • It now has an Apple II emulator on which I've been able to play some favorite childhood games
  • It now boots Linux

Also, it plays mp3s, which is nice, considering my iPod also seems to have died...