Pete's Log: Log Entry 288

Entry #288, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff)
(posted when I was 21 years old.)

two interesting vulnerabilities came across bugtraq today. not interesting in what is vulnerable, but interesting in that the authors detailed the process by which they found the vulnerability. some of these people are quite smart... and just a short while ago i was thinking that i should reread "smashing the stack for fun and profit" .... so i think i'll do that tomorrow...

also, today the loveletter / iloveyou worm caused millions of dollars of damage on the internet. jon furgeson got a copy. somebody put a lot of time into that thing... kinda sad, since that time could've been put to much more productive use... oh well... i really wish somebody would sue microsoft for releasing products that allow things like this to happen. oh well, that's why i use unixish operating systems... and pine, which nobly refuses to execute messages sent to me.

so the plan for tomorrow: wake up around noonish. work on compiler project for a few hours (or until i hit 20% average speedup), then read smashing the stack ... then perhaps work on ltfs tutorial for a while... 5 oclock going to eat with grad students celebrating having their quals behind them. poker night later on. will have to tape voyager.