Pete's Log: unstable goodness

Entry #415, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

wahoo! So today I wake up bright and early and do that whole class thing. Then I got Rob first of all to help me got ybin properly working. After getting his ofboot.b, and using ybin 0.17, things went fairly well, and I can now dual boot linux and macos without having to go into open firmware. Downloaded and compiled XFree86 4.0. Very exciting. Had no clue where to install it without pissing debian off, so after OS I headed for home, had a sandwich, and watched anime for three hours. During that time I switched to the unstable debian distribution (woody), just out of principle mainly. However, the five hour download time made me decide to wait until returning to campus to do that. Made another beer stew for dinner, it turned out quite good, very filling. Then returned to campus. We stopped by martins and Brian's parents' house, then went to the bookstore where we failed to find a large ND flag, but picked up a cd of ND music. Woody took about 5 minutes to download at the ssr. Then I figured I may as well switch to the 2.4.0 test series of kernels, but 2.4.0-test7 didn't even come close to compiling properly, so now I'm giving 2.4.0-test6 a try, and it seems to be doing much better. Watched Eddie Izard with Arun in the engineering student center. good stuff, that, tho i slept through some of it. have to get up early tomorrow to meet with Ramzi about 232. yippee.