Pete's Log: I am fucked up

Entry #710, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

My room has been filled with anger and bitterness. I don't know how it's getting there, but it's making the room a very desolate place. So I did the only sensible thing. I left. I walked to campus... took me about an hour... but it was nice and peaceful. I feel better now.

First stop once I got to campus was the fitz cluster. Stopped and talked to various people there for a while... then wandered upstairs and talked to George for a while. Then we grabbed some juniors from the lab and headed to Lafortune. I bought my first quarterdog in forever. The juniors took off again, but George and I hung there for a while, watched some Jerry Springer. Then we realized we've not played freeciv in forever, so that became our mission. We head back to the fitz cluster and start up freeciv. So that's what I'm doing now.

Need to make sure I remember to start up sshd on malloc before I leave campus.