Pete's Log: yay perk!

Entry #742, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

woohoo. Perk today succeeded where others failed: he made me undepressed. I'm still really tired, but I can deal with that when I'm not depressed. So perk is my hero of the day.

Woke up at 9:30 or so this morning to work on the 232 grades some more. Headed to campus around 11:30. Had lunch with Rebecca Weber. That was fun. I returned her Vapors cd to her and got back an AAA and Shonen Knife cd. We talked about all sorts of random crap. I'm now considering taking the graduate algebra courses in the math department. Two semesters of tough algebra sounds fun. It may help me get over this math bitterness I've got. And I could then take crypto courses and possibly understand what's going on. Yay.

After lunch, my day took a turn for the worse. In addition to the mysql problems I was having on malloc, the debian update apparently also made it so that I could no longer start X. Not good. So I talked to Dr Freeh about compilers, gave Ramzi the 232 tests, and took care of some outstanding grading issues. Only a little longer before I have finished off the 232 work. But it seems Ramzi's been satisfied with my work this semester, which is good. Then went to Anne's where I was supposed to help with some comp arch reviewing and cake making, but turns out I wasn't needed for either of those tasks, so I left, since I felt useless. And then perk saved the day.

I returned to the ssr and got email from perk begging for help on his machine. Since I was feeling useless and such, and since I'm a nice guy, I decided I'd go have a look. So we meet at lafortune, grab food, and head to keenan. We get onto the topic of break, and we realize that stopping by Rogersville, MO, isn't an unreasonable thing for me to do on my way back to SB. So I'm likely to give perk a ride back to SB. That should be fun. Then I fix perk's computer. I accomplished something good today. That makes me happy. Then I hang out in the ballpit a while, a very therapeutic experience, if nothing else. Then head back to fitz. Perk helps me dig out my bike. I think I have proven I should never be allowed to be a parent. I have proven with my bike that I cannot handle the responsibility. I left it outside fitz for a couple weeks, and it got buried in snow. Poor bike. I hope it forgives me. It's now defrosting in the ssr. I'm likely to leave it here over break.

So props to perk for "1: giving me another driving adventure, 2: letting me feel useful, 3: letting me hang in the ballpit, 4: helping me save my bike" ... And life continues to improve, I've now got mysql working again, X on malloc working again, and all the gnome stuff working on realloc again. Freaking amazing how well stuff can work once I'm not utterly frustrated with everything. And I'm listening to Shonen Knife, which is always a good thing.