Pete's Log: return of the king

Entry #1620, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 30 years old.)

I have returned to Munich, 1563 Lufthansa miles richer than when I left. To be fair to England, I have been informed by credible sources that in some places there was as much as 8 inches of snow. It's just that none of the places I saw showed any evidence of this.

I use my fancy Interweb phone as my alarm clock, just as I used various previous cell phones as alarm clocks. But on the fancy phone, when the alarm goes off, it presents you with a menu to choose just how long you want to snooze. I'm not entirely satisfied with my options, though. You have 5, 10, and 15 minutes, which is great. The two remaining choices are 1 hour and 1 day. What I really miss, though, is a 30 minute option. I definitely would've used it this morning.

I can say, however, that choosing the 1 hour snooze option is incredibly satisfying.

Random observation: I first used the term interweb on this blog on June 25, 2007