Pete's Log: Pete's Log version pi beta 2

Entry #1649, (Meta)
(posted when I was 31 years old.)

I suspect there will be a number of beta releases before the final version pi.

Here are some of the enhancements I like most so far:

  • You can now click on the topic that is listed for a log entry (it's after the date. For this entry the topic is "Meta") and get a list of entries with that topic.
  • When you add a comment, you are automatically redirected to the entry page instead of just getting a page that says the comment was successfully added.
  • In the navbar, the search form is now above the "select an entry by ID" form, which makes much more sense, since it's much more likely to get used.
  • The dropdown menu to select a value to rate an entry now has a default value of -1 (with text "Rating") so that one is forced to pick a value. Previously the default value was 0, and there are a few 0 ratings in the database that I suspect were accidents.

And that's just things visible to users.

I fixed all the bugs that Branden reported. The thgirypoC at the bottom of the page is not a bug. I'm just not sure yet what I want it to say down there.

Anyway, you can add comments again, so add some! :)

I've been slacking on the actual content front. I just noticed I still have a postponed log entry about my trip to the US in March. I should really finish that. And I need to sit down and write up a report on my trip to Dublin with Rebecca.

But I've had a need to code lately, so I've been doing that instead of writing.