Pete's Log: Little things

Entry #1883, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 42 years old.)

2000 and 2001 currently account for a combined 53.7% of all log entries, despite accounting for only 9% of the calendar time. I need 136 more entries before those two years will drop below 50% of entries. Even if I keep up last year's relatively decent pace, we're still a few years away from achieving that. Not sure what my point is, just making observations.

Two out of three staircases in our house are carpeted. The most-used one, however, is not. It's wood and it's somewhat slippery. Boogie has trouble with it sometimes and has on more than one occasion woken up JB by whining at the bottom of the stairs because she doesn't want to go up them on her own. She has no problems at all with the carpeted stairs. We finally ordered some clear grippy treads for the stairs, and I'm surprised to find just how much more pleasant I now find it to go up and down the stairs myself. Probably good for JB as well.

I'm trying to make my expectations of what I can achieve in my free time more realistic. Instead of being disappointed that I'm not building big projects, I'm going to instead just be happy that this modest tool was something I was able to put together during just one-and-a-half naps: humidity calculator. It still needs refining and I have more features I want to build for it, but it fills an actual need for me, and so I'm going to be happy.

After I hit submit, it'll only be 135 more entries!